Acupuncture entails the insertion of needles that are sterile, single-use, very fine, and solid (unlike a syringe) into specific locations (acupoints) along the body to a depth that averages around 1/8 to 1/4 inch, but varies from very superficial (less than 1 mm) to deeper (1 or more inches). Acupuncture sometimes entails a momentary pricking sensation, which ceases once the skin has been breached. After insertion, a dull, achy sensation is often elicited through manipulation of the needle – this indicates the activation of your qi. Acupuncture is effective for a wide range of symptoms, both acute and long-term, especially for chronic problems that have not responded to other treatments.
Moxibustion is the burning of mugwort (Artemesia Vulgaris) or “moxa” in various forms of preparation either directly in small quantities or indirectly over acupoints. The warmth generated by moxa is sympathetic to the human body’s energy system and is very comfortable and therapeutic. Other heat therapies include infrared heat lamps.
Cupping is the placing of glass suction cups on the skin, and is used to draw out toxins from the deeper tissues into the bloodstream where they can be properly eliminated. It effectively and efficiently increases qi and blood circulation locally and sometimes results in slight reddening or bruising of the skin.