Herbal Medicine employs specially formulated decoctions (teas), powders, and pills – composed of plant, mineral, and animal substances. Herbal decoctions are usually the strongest smelling and/or tasting, and are the most effective form of administration. Powders and pills are simpler to prepare and often useful for chronic ailments that require long-term therapy. A branch of herbal medicine treats external problems such as injuries and skin ailments using pastes, plasters, and liniments.
After selecting the appropriate formula for you I will then modify or tailor the formula to fit your exact condition. In my practice I use herbs to promote the body’s own healing capacity, by addressing the root cause of disease, enhancing immune system function, replenishing depleted reserves and promoting your overall well-being. Herbal medicine continues to provide us with a healing tool that employs the amazing power of nature.
Diet Therapy
Chinese diet therapy employs an understanding of how various types of foods are helpful or harmful for different constitutions and health conditions. In our modern age of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and asthma, it is increasingly important to choose the right foods and maintain healthy dietary habits.